Me now as I write this

So did i exit at A, B or C?
Those thoughts cross my mind definitely, But I ended up doing neither of those. Why? because of THIS
And Boy, am I glad I stuck to my teachings! As the retail investors started panicking, I started going on a shopping spree again, adding more positions into AMZN, FB, MA, and setup some bullish options play for long term. It helps alot being part of investing community with like minded people, they help to alert me of good bargain, and all of us went on shopping spree! Seems risky? It isn't! the fundamental of the companies doesn't change overnight just because the election is coming. If it is a good company before the election, chances are it will still be a good company after the election. You may argue about change in Govt policies etc. Maybe those will affect some companies, but definitely not overnight, and companies with wide moat will tend to survive anyway. I know this sounds cliched and overused, but Warren Buffet is right. Just make sure you are greedy over the right companies!
It is now 5th of November, and look at the index! It is now up by 7% from the lowest point on 1st november, which was also the lowest point of my portfolio
S&P 500 Performance 2-6th November 2020
My portfolio? at the moment it is on track to break my peak. Will it continue going up? I don't know I cannot predict the future. Maybe Trump will contest the election, and chaos ensues, market crash back down. Fine with me, I will just go on shopping spree again.
Can you imagine if I did exit and hold cash now??
I would be stuck in a dilemma,
Should I go back in now? but what if the market reverse back down!?
Should I wait it out? But what if the market continue rallying till the end of the year!?
Look I am not saying what I did was CORRECT. Maybe by end November my profit would've been wiped out again. Nobody could predict where the market will be tomorrow, the market could have gone either way, and I could have been deep in the red right now, or maybe next week market will crash? Sure it will suck to see the profits vanish, but I have to stick to my plan and buy even more those undervalued stocks because I know they will go back up eventually as they are undervalued. The stock market move in waves, wave up wave down. it's just the way it is, and always will be. and if you invest in great companies at great price, you can be confident you will profit in the long run!
Remember! Ferry is not a licenced financial advisor nor a millionaire (yet!) so do you your own due diligence! Provided data are purely based on historical records and may not guarantee future results. Follow my advice at your own Risk!
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