May 2021 Report - I am glad I did not go Full Crypto

Ferry is a retail investor, March 2020 everything crash, there was no safe haven, Stocks crash, Bonds crash, Gold crash, Crypto Crash. He listened to the fear and doomsday scenario being spread around the news, He did not dare to invest any money in anything, and decide to liquidate his position and hold cash. Mid 2020 Stocks started rallying on possible V shape recovery. Ferry wanted to invest but there were talks of market going for double bottom, After all there is now a full blown pandemic worldwide and lock down everywhere, so he decided to wait. How could the market be rallying when everything has gone to shits? It's going to crash again! He watches a lot of Youtube videos of crash prediction, and he is convinced August 2020, S&P 500 index are hitting a new All time high, Again Ferry wanted to invest, but the US election is coming! so many uncertainty! What if the market crash again? So He decided to wait End 2020 S&P 500 ended up closing positive for the year ...