Q3 2020 Report - Managing $$ Myself is the BEST!

Bloody hell, this is the second time I am rewriting this Quarterly report, due to some misclicks. the whole draft got deleted. It auto-saved and there was no way to undo. 😠Lucky for you I have no more mood to ramble endlessly and we'll just go straight to the point. Anyway in case you are new here. Quarterly report is meant to track the performance of the different investment strategies / asset class that I have picked up to try and determine which is the better one for me. More explanation can be found here 👉👉 Different investing strategies (scroll down to the 2nd half) Now if you recall, back in my Q2 report (which was in my Facebook messy Notes). My self-managed portfolio was the worst performer to date, being the only one in the red compared to others. Sooo, after days of tidying up my excel table and wrangling with line graphs. I can finally present to you Q3 to date performance benchmarked against S&P500 index! YTD performance of the different strategies ...