How to make sure you can pay for your children's University Fees.

Well, some people actually read this blog, so I guess I should start writing something more useful to do them justice. So gather around, I am going to show you how I actually make sure my kids can afford to go to University should they wish to. Or they can choose to be a Youtuber, influencer, content creator, etc. university degrees may not be that relevant in the future? But as parents it is good to be prepared, here is the steps to make sure the children can go to Uni Step 1: Make sure the kids learn German Step 2: Send kids to Germany because University is free even for International students The End, thanks for reading. Just kidding, but for real though. Gemany has free Uni education, my cousin actually went there and studied Civil Engineering. But of course you will still have to pay for living expenses etc. but definitely something to consider. So let me show you and the wife what I have been doing. I have started to set aside $600 a month for the kids. So that makes: $600 x...